Ecosystems tend to be resilient to some degree of stress, but they can change dramatically when pushed just a bit further.  We call these thresholds of environmental change "tipping points", and we're working with researchers at NCEAS, NOAA, and Stanford's Center for Ocean Solutions to make environmental management more effective by building tipping points into management decisions.






Ocean Tipping Points project homepage


Selkoe, K.A., T. Blenckner, M.R. Caldwell, L. Crowder, A. Erickson, T. Essington, J. Estes, R. Fujita, B.S. Halpern, M. Hunsicker, C.V. Kappel, R.P. Kelly, J.N. Kittinger, P.S. Levin, J. Lynham, M. Mach, R. Martone, L. Mease, A. Salomon, J. Samhouri, C. Scarborough, A. Stier, C. White, J. Zedler. 2015. Principles for Managing Marine Ecosystems Prone to Tipping Points (in press, Ecosystem Health and Sustainability).

Kelly, R.P., A. Erickson, L. Mease, W. Battista, J. Kittinger, R. Fujita.  2015.  Embracing Thresholds for Better Environmental Management.  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 370: 20130276.

Kelly, R.P., A.L. Erickson, and L.A. Mease. 2014. How Not to Fall Off a Cliff, or Using Tipping Points to Improve Environmental Management. 41 Ecology Law Quarterly 843.